Shortly after moving to the UK from Morocco, Samira got married. It should have been the start of a new life, but instead she was trapped with a physically and emotionally abusive husband. She was completely isolated.
The abuse she endured left her with little confidence, and as a young woman with no connections in the UK, she had no clue where to go for help. It was a terrifying experience.
Eventually, Samira found the strength to leave. She turned first to a woman’s refuge, before reaching out to YMCA. As well as a place to stay, a local YMCA in the South East of England helped Samira develop new life skills including money management, and even health and fitness.
Crucial for Samira was taking part in workshops that helped her role play job interviews, and taught her how to write a CV, so she can find a job and be independent.
“I don’t know where I would be without YMCA. I am happy now, I have my own space and I have freedom.”
As a RoomSponsor you help YMCA provide more than 7,000 spaces for young people across England and Wales, 843 of which are in the South East.
Hi I am so pleased that you have found a secure and safe place to call your own. May your life journey now be filled with happiness and success which I am sure it will be. Be proud of who you are an amazing individual and amazing young woman. All the very best to you.