Dear RoomSponsor,
My name is Ethan. Staying at a YMCA in the South East has been a transformative experience for me, and I wanted to share my story so you know how you are changing the lives of young people as a RoomSponsor.
The turning point in my life was when my parents split up and found new partners. When my stepdad moved in, he didn’t like me being around and was abusive and very controlling. He wouldn’t let me sit in the living room or watch the TV, and I spent a lot of time out of the house to avoid him because I was scared.
At the same time as I was dealing with all of this, my dad had a baby with his new partner and pretty much washed his hands of me. It was a really lonely time in my life and I didn’t feel welcome anywhere.
I felt really hurt and rejected, but when you are a teenager with no one to talk to, your emotions can get pretty overwhelming. I began having angry outbursts, which resulted in me getting into trouble at school, and I even got arrested at one point. Looking back, I realise I was just really struggling to cope.
Then, my family moved house and set up a new life without me, leaving me with nowhere to stay and no money. I ended up sofa surfing – basically bouncing around from place to place and relying on the people I stayed with to provide for me, which was really demeaning. I had never felt so alone.
I was on my own, in my first year of college with no means of supporting myself financially. I was really insecure and constantly worrying about where I would stay next, it was all I thought about. I felt bad for anyone who would take me in because I had nothing. I was starting to lose motivation to do anything with my life as I could see no way out of this situation.
Fortunately, an old school friend then told me about YMCA, which was a gamechanger. Finally, I had a safe place to stay and got offered all kinds of help and support that I didn’t know was available.
I spoke to my key worker often, and she helped me to understand that none of this was my fault, and together we came up with plans to change my future. She helped me access grants and benefits I didn’t know I was entitled to, and this helped me to start becoming more financially independent.
I began volunteering full-time so I could increase the skills I had on my CV, and on the weekends I was working in a bar so I could build up my savings. It felt good to be actively involved in changing my situation. I realised at that point that a different kind of life could be possible, and I was determined to make it happen.
My well-being and confidence has improved so much since arriving at YMCA. I am now staying in accommodation which is designed for more independent living, and I’ve worked my way up to a job in hospitality management. I’ve discovered I really thrive on responsibility. I love it! I’m also now making plans to move into a place of my own and YMCA is supporting me through this.
Your support as a YMCA RoomSponsor means so much to young people like me. I no longer feel alone, and instead feel empowered to work towards my future. Thank you for everything you do.
Kind regards,
Oh Ethan, what a sad but inspiring story and I am so pleased that life has turned around for you and you have been able to access help and support. I wish you a bright future full of love and happiness.
That’s really wonderful to hear Ethan. I’m so glad you no longer feel alone and without hope. I wish you so much success for your new life path.