Hi Roomsponsors,
Thanks to your support, young people can access a safe and supportive environment where they can thrive. A place where they can reach their full potential.
We’d like to provide an update on some of the young people you may have heard from recently, and share the progress they’ve been making, thanks to people like you.
Throughout her childhood Ally’s parents struggled with substance misuse. She was often in a house with adults using drugs which was putting her at risk of neglect and harm.
Ally also suffered sexual abuse by a family friend during these years. She kept this to herself for a long time as she was fearful of not being believed. This was a huge burden to carry alone and caused Ally’s mental health to suffer severely.
When her dad died Ally found herself homeless. She sofa surfed for months, never feeling welcome anywhere. She started to feel hopeless about her future.
“All the major events that had been happening were catching up with me. I began to feel desperate for something to change.”
Since arriving at YMCA, Ally has found a safe space where she can focus on rebuilding her confidence. She has accessed support to work through her past traumas and come to terms with what happened to her as a child.
She has formed positive relationships with YMCA staff and other young people, and now has the support network she had been lacking.
Today, Ally is working in a school which is what she has always wanted to do. She feels empowered by having her own space, a job, and to be making her own decisions. She feels much more positive and independent.
Thanks to Roomsponsors like you, Ally has had a safe place to heal from the past and look positively towards the future.
From his earliest memories at an orphanage in Russia, to being adopted at a young age, James’ childhood was filled with feelings of alienation and loneliness. He struggled with jealousy when his little sister was born and questioned his place in his adoptive family.
His sense of isolation persisted during his teenage years and school was a challenge. His learning difficulties and a lack of understanding from teachers impacted his self-esteem.
When James lost his Grandad, his emotional turmoil increased and led him down a destructive path of drinking to escape. His addiction strained his relationships and caused aggressive behaviour. Eventually, he was asked to leave home.
“There was a stage I almost thought I’d have to sleep on the street. I had nowhere to go and no one to rely on and it was a scary time. That was until I found YMCA.”
James has shown incredible resilience since coming to YMCA. He has accessed an alcohol abuse group which provided him with healthier coping mechanisms, so he can better control his emotions.
He has had a safe space to discuss the issues which have affected him since childhood, and his mental health has greatly improved.
James is currently working through a resident program to ensure he is ready to make the next step and live independently. He has been learning to cook more for himself, manage his money each month and how to keep up with bills. He is about to finish college and is still hoping to become a painter and decorator soon.
Thanks to your support, James has had space to learn new skills and become more independent.
Leo was taken into care when he was just three years old. Over the years he had many different foster placements, and his childhood lacked any consistency.
At 16, he had just lost his mum, which completely devastated him. He was also questioning his gender identity which was a confusing time.
One night, he was threatened about his identity and was told he should immediately leave where he was staying. He felt scared and alone.
“I had nowhere to go. I knew if something didn’t happen fast, I would be out on the streets for the night which was completely terrifying.”
Coming to YMCA gave Leo the space to grieve for his mum and begin to build up his confidence again.
Since his last update, he has taken on every opportunity offered to him. He has been volunteering and building up the skills on his CV so he can move into employment.
Leo has recently become a YMCA Youth Ambassador and was nominated for a YMCA ‘Young Achiever of the Year Award’. He is passionate about elevating the voices of young people who have come from the care system and wants to move into a career supporting other young people.
This year he plans to move on from YMCA and live independently, and has big plans to travel abroad for the first time!
With your help, Leo has grown in confidence and can’t wait to help other young people.
With your help, these young people have overcome barriers, gained confidence, and can look forward to a brighter future. Thank you for everything you do.
Best wishes,
The Roomsponsor Team
So glad to read that these young people are finally getting the help they need to make a good future for themselves. Well done them.
I am delighted that these young people have been helped by YMCA – a few years ago, myself and cousin stayed a couple of nights at the Ymca in Guildford, and I was so impressed by what they were doing. Which is why I am room sponsor.
I am so pleased that Ally and James are getting the help they need.
I have already seen how Leo is progressing and what an achievement! I hope you help many more young people to feel the way all people should feel.
It is reassuring to hear of the gains these young people have made with the help of the YMCA. They now have the hope of a happy and successful life ahead. Good wishes for their future.
It is so rewarding to support young people who just need to be given security, consistency and a chance to make a great life for themselves. I’m very happy to support theYMCA, such a deserving cause.
It is wonderful to hear what help Ally, James and Leo are receiving from YMCA. Thank goodness such places exist!
I am so impressed with all three of you and send love and good wishes for all you are going to achieve and the happiness you are going to find in the future.
I am so glad these young people are growing in confidence and found YMCA when they did, it’s lovely to read about their progress. I am so happy I have helped in some small way for them and I wish them every success and happiness in the future.
Thankyou for the update on these 3 young people. It’s so wonderful and uplifting to hear of what they have achieved with the help of the YMCA. Well done to them and to all who have helped them. Best wishes to all. X
Thanks for the update great to know that Leo, James and Ally are doing well and that Roomsponsor makes a contribution.
So encouraging to read your stories Ally, James and Leo. We’re encouraged that your hard work & perseverance is paying off.
So good to hear how YMCA helps these young people and of the progress they have made. Keep it up.